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Italian court convicts 7 for no quake warning
10/25/2012Defying assertions that earthquakes cannot be predicted, an Italian court convicted seven scientists and experts of manslaughter Monday for failing to adequately warn residents before a temblor struck central Italy in 2009 and killed more than 300 pe...
Court blocks Ind. defunding of Planned Parenthood
Daily Legal News 10/25/2012Indiana stepped between women and their physicians when it enacted a law that blocked Medicaid funds for Planned Parenthood just because the organization provides abortions, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals...
High court won't block early voting in Ohio
Politics 10/19/2012The Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for voters in the battleground state of Ohio to cast ballots on the three days before Election Day, giving Democrats and President Barack Obama's campaign a victory three weeks before the election. The cou...
UK court sides with Samsung in Apple suit
10/19/2012Britain's Court of Appeal has backed a judgment that Samsung's Galaxy tablet computer is "not as cool" as Apple's iPad — and therefore doesn't infringe Apple's rights. The panel's upholding of the findings of by a lower court endorses the U.K. judgme...
NY appeals court nixes Defense of Marriage Act
Legal Review 10/19/2012Saying the gay population has "suffered a history of discrimination," a divided federal appeals court in Manhattan ruled Thursday that a federal law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman was unconstitutional, adding fuel to an issue ...
Iowa court official accused of gay marriage fraud
Daily Legal News 10/19/2012An Iowa court official is accused of helping a same-sex couple from Florida to get a marriage certificate without stepping foot in the state. The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation says Grundy County Deputy Clerk of Court Brigitte Van Nice was a...
High court looks at race in college admissions
10/10/2012Nine years after the Supreme Court said colleges and universities can use race in their quest for diverse student bodies, the justices have put this divisive social issue back on their agenda in the middle of a presidential election campaign. Nine ye...
2 King Co. candidates vying for Attorney General
Politics 10/10/2012The two men competing to be Washington's next attorney general are co-workers, but that's about as much similarity King County Councilmen Reagan Dunn and Bob Ferguson will admit to. Dunn, a Republican, and the Democrat Ferguson have been trying to dr...
Court upholds RI lawyer's corruption conviction
Daily Legal News 10/10/2012A federal appeals court has upheld the corruption conviction of a former North Providence town attorney who facilitated bribes to three town councilmen. Robert Ciresi was convicted in April 2011 of bribery, extortion and conspiracy charges. The jury ...
Ohio appeals to Supreme Court on early voting
10/10/2012Ohio's election chief on Tuesday appealed a ruling that reinstates the final three early voting days in the battleground state, calling a decision last week by a federal appeals court "an unprecedented intrusion" into how states run elections. Secret...
Court won't hear anti-gay marriage group appeal
Politics 10/05/2012The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal from a national anti-gay marriage group that tried to thwart Maine's campaign disclosure law requiring it to release its donor list. The high court turned aside an appeal from the National Organi...
Ex-NFL WR Hurd pleads not guilty to new charges
Legal Review 10/05/2012Former NFL receiver Sam Hurd pleaded not guilty Wednesday to a new indictment accusing him of trying to obtain cocaine and marijuana while he was out on bond awaiting trial on charges of trying to start a drug ring in the Chicago area. The indictment...